Category Archives: Caturday

Catching up — A week of Sundays

This is gonna be a long one, i have a lot to catch up on, so bear with me or hit “back page”…

Rusty, Candice, and their girls visited from Telluride last week. Jadin drinking from a lemon:

Glorious pineapple guavas from farmers market:

Candice with her guavas:

The incredible Rusty Scott:

Had an incredibly beautiful Butterfly Beach day — paddle ball & frisbee — went swimming, in October.

They were giving away the proverbial “Free Lunch” in Isla Vista:

Bess at the annual Planned Parenthood book sale:

Grilled cheese in Ventura:

Pizza at home with Bess:

And an oyster shooter at Brophy’s: Thanks, Walter!

Shopping for dinner night:

Night walk:

Emily at dinner:

Lamb burgers with salad etc. Thanks Bess!!!

Burt Reynolds joined us for dinner:

Emily combs Bess’ hair:

Our hostess & her kitty:

A night at the Sporty:

Classic cloud the next morning:


Scenes from the Caturday Show at Earl Warren:

Ok, as you were…