Category Archives: Vespa

Thoughts on June day

So… i was riding my Vespa down State Street, and i was stopped at a red light.

An aside: This is where i keep my spare helmet:

A girl crossed in front of me, looked at me, and said, “Can i have a ride on your scooter?”
And here’s where it might’ve gone horribly wrong:
I pointed between my legs and said, “I have another helmet here!!!”

I hope she didn’t misunderstand…

And here are some other photos from the weekend:

Like sand thru the hourglass

Contemplating breakfast:


When Alpha was on State at Ortega — remember?

Out & about — the loneliness of a middle-distance runner:

My favorite kitchen cleaner. The basil scent is so intoxicating, i could wear it as a cologne!


My favorite tee:

The best:

Bomb The Bass: Bug Powder Dust (La Funk Mob Remix):

1st post-rapture blog

Reminder: Know your iPod. I was having trouble with mine, so i brought it to the Apple Store. Turned it on to show the girl what the trouble was, and of course the current album playing on it was Belle & Sebastian’s “Tigermilk”, which of course has cover art of a naked girl in a bathtub breast-feeding a stuffed tiger:

She didn’t seem taken aback, but ya never know.

Bed-head morning:

Small haul cos i was on foot:

Scored this pillow for FREE at my complex’s freebox:

Super Stud:

Ventura thrifting with Super Sarah:

Then to Shamsi’s Deli:

Late night cookin:

Got a flat on the Vespa — Emergency repair!

Ran into Bo von H — it had been years — i love him!

Now happy hour:

What i’ve seen this week

That’s me; Bat Rabbit:

I got a letter — a real-live hand-written letter (remember those?):

My various vintage toothbrushes:

Mailing eBay stuff:

Sunny Vespa ride, wharfside:

Seafood & the New Yorker, Brophy’s:

Bike ride:

Riding down State Street, i saw a gorgeous skater-chick in a green dress who got un-connected from her skateboard & tumbled to the sidewalk. Worst part for her: She wasn’t wearing underwear.

TJ’s haul:

Spritzer with fresh lime squeezed from a vintage French lime squeezer:

What can we do?

It’s so nice to have a local neighborhood store. Jack knows me, and i know him. I went there tonight to buy a bottle of wine and he was eating something. I asked, “What are you eating?” and he said, “Chicken wings.” I asked, “Where from?” and he said, “My mom made them for me. Want one?” And he gave me the most delicious chicken wing i’ve ever eaten. Thanks, Jack!

And i’m dying to know who this girl is, who i took a picture of, when she was dancing with some local street performers downtown a few months ago, cos i think she’d really like to have this photo:

If you know her, give her the pic.

Random wharf photo:

Got my racket re-gripped today, what a difference!

At Butterfly:

March means jasmine, lots and lots of fragrant jasmine:

Me on white Vespa?:

Oh the palms:

What can we do?